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"Flat Globe - White night", 2024

Group show: "Micro and Macro The Universe of Paper Art" at Ichihara Lakeside Museum
October 19 , 2024 - January 13, 2025

Over the past three years since returning to Japan, I have been repeatedly reminded of the fragility of this land—an archipelago frequently struck by earthquakes and natural disasters—and of my own vulnerability living within it.

The strata project, which I began in 1999 using drawing and cutting techniques with lines, is now at a major turning point in its expression. Initially, I aimed to embody the synchronicity of people, nature, and time. However, in this iteration, I have deliberately disrupted the previously unified lines, highlighting the definitions and repetitions that emerge as the strata accumulate at different speeds.

Additionally, I am exploring the random unfolding of stacked sheets of paper as a tabletop installation.

This exhibition also marks a collaboration with lighting artist Taira Ichikawa. I have attempted to closely trace the intricate details illuminated by his light sources, while also observing how the terrain transforms under the shifting light from a macroscopic perspective.

Furthermore, I have reinterpreted Then & Now, a work originally created in 2008 by cutting into an Ed Ruscha book, in a new 2024 version. Ruscha’s book held a milestone position within my "book-cutting project," and revisiting it has become an opportunity to reassess the internalized memories and temporal trajectories embedded within the work.

© 2023  Noriko Ambe and ARS New York

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